Creator of Pixel Talk, Tej Singh

Aditi Patil learns more about the creator of Pixel Talk and OHS senior, Tej Singh. 

Pixel Journal: Can you give a brief summary of what Pixel Talk is?  

Tej Singh: Pixel Talk is Youtube show that features both A) short student-produced segments on a variety of new topics in STEM, sports, and pop culture and B) interviews by [myself] with successful people in corporate America and GUEST fields (Government, Undefined, Education, Sports, Tech), which are conducted to inspire the most ambitious of high school students.

Interviewees include Steve Forbes, the US Ambassador to Brazil, Dean of Admissions of MIT, Stanford, and Caltech, CEO of Michaels and J.Crew, Co-President of Nordstrom, and the Chief Marketing Officers of Microsoft, HP, and Airbnb.


PJ: How did the idea of bringing back Pixel Talk come to you?   

TS: I was at the Leadership mini-course at Summer@Stanford and Dr. Keating mentioned how there was a radio show called NAPtime that students did earlier at OHS and how entertaining it was. I wanted to do something similar, but modernize the idea, hence the video talk show (versus just audio).


PJ: What is the hardest thing about organizing such an ambitious talk show? 

TS: Definitely booking the guests to interview. It was hard in the beginning justifying to them that it was worth their time to give an interview for a school video talk show.


PJ: Who has been your favorite person to interview and why?

TS: I love each interview because every executive brings a unique perspective and has something different to say. Here’s a collection of cool moments from past interviews:


PJ: How do you hope to continue Pixel Talk as you complete OHS and go to college?

TS: Well, I now post interviews on Huffington Post, some of which I then use for Pixel Talk. You can check them out here. I’ve also had the pleasure of interviewing people live from the floor of the New York Stock Exchange for [Cheddar, a product-focused news network]. So I hope to continue doing interviews in general in college.

Interview has been edited for clarity.